The main purpose of this site is to share information and make a contribution to the critical discussion of old and new ideas about the root causes of inequality and how to overcome it.
The ‘Work in progress’ page is intended to make available some of my own recent and current writing on the subject, including teaching materials developed in collaboration with others.
My outlook has long been and remains socialist and internationalist. My thinking has, however, changed in some respects from ideas that I advanced in the 1970s and 1980s, during the struggle for the overthrow of the apartheid regime in South Africa. The ‘Looking back’ page takes you to some of that earlier material as well as a few reflections on it.
The ‘Blog+’ page contains some notes, talks or articles by me which are not strictly blogs but don’t fit conveniently under other page headings.
The rest of the pages on the site should be self-explanatory. If you would like to get in touch, please use the form on the ‘Contact’ page. Constructive criticism is very welcome.
The contact form seems to be working now.
Apologies if you encountered a problem before.